Rotary Club of Bengaluru Agara - Rotary India

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Total Services 7
Rotary Leadership Institute Graduation Course

Rotarians , Rotary Bengaluru Agara Attended Rotary Leadeship Insti. . .

Rotary Bengaluru Agara - Business Meet

Business Meet presentation by Hon. Rtn. Gerard Caltin on the Real E. . .

Organ Donation Awareness Campaign

On August 6, 2024, Kushma College of Nursing, Hubli, Jeevasarthakat. . .

Distribution of Grocereies

Project lead by Rtn. Pradeep Mendonca, Essential Groceries and Bisc. . .

Maternal and Child Health

Distribution of Mosambis, Bananas and Ragi Biscuits to Childrens . . .

Rotary Bengaluru Agara Business Meet

Rotarians from Rotary Bengaluru Agara, in collaboration with the Bh. . .

The Nation Building Leadership Awards 2024-25

Rotarians from Rotary Bengaluru Agara, in collaboration with the Bh. . .